Maps and pictures of the IPIX Radar at OHGR/Dartmouth

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Overview map

Osborne Head Gunnery Range (OHGR), Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, on a cliff facing the Atlantic Ocean, at a height of 100 feet above mean sea level and an open ocean view of about 130°. Latitude/Longitude: 44°36.72'N, 63°25.41'W, or in decimals 44.612° N, 63.4235° W.


Topo map


Radar Scan

Created from file 13: 19931106_183151_surv.cdf. Inner radius 501, outer radius 5991 m. Note the 130° open ocean view, the shoreline of Cow Bay (dark red), and the blocked view north/west of the radar. Compare to same-scale topo map section on the right.



Radar antenna, 3 m diameter. Radar control trailer.
Calm Atlantic ocean, 100 feet down below.
Cow bay on a calm day.
